
    The three month extension is only allowed at the end of the contract and it’s a one-off. It can’t be rolled over every three months.

    Here is my strategy

    Get you own quotes and proposals for a strata manager. You do not need committee approval to do this.

    Prior to the next meeting to renew the old strata manager, place a motion on the agenda proposing the strata manager you chose.

    Schedule 2, clause 4 allows any owner to submit a motion, so don’t let the committee or strata manager tell you otherwise.

    Its likely thst the strata manager will include a motion to renew their contract. Let that go for now.

    When the motion to renew the old strata manager comes up, call up Schedule 2 clause 4(1). Ask the strata manager who submitted this motion. If it was not a lot owner,then the motion is out of order. Ask to see the WRITTEN request as the act states how it has to be submitted  It’s usual for strata managers to submit a motion for their contract renewal, but the act does not allow it.

    They may try to adjourn the meeting in order to “fix” this oversight, but once a meeting is called, the rules have been set.

    Hopefully you have sufficient support from other owners so that your motion passes. If not then you have no strata manager, and the elected secretary will need to call another general meeting in order to elect a strata manager.