

    you say that you believe that Cctv footage is a record of the OC and then suggest hurdles to access the footage. Thst is indirect contravention ofthe many posts you have put up saying owners have unfettered rights to OC records.

    To answer the posters question, the installation of the pool camera perhaps should be put to a meeting of the OC. There may be valid reasons to install it. The owners can hear the arguments and then make a decision. Majority gets the nod.

    What the poster does not say, is who suggested the installation of the camera. Remember that it’s only the committee or the owners who can decide to install it, not the strata or building manager.

    In Australia, any person or entity is permitted to make video recordings, but not to record the sound, in a public place. Public meaning not in another persons private space.

    Also let’s not assume the worst. It’s likely that the installation of the camera is to improve security, not to provide jollies for some pervert.