
    NSW Health has reiterated its advice which is basically unchanged despite other restrictions being eased this week.

    Further to our previous communications regarding the COVID-19 roadmap update, masks are still mandatory in all indoor common areas of residential strata premises in NSW.

    Common areas include:

    • lifts
    • car parks
    • garbage areas
    • lobbies
    • stairwells
    • corridors
    • and any indoor areas that residents may pass through.

    Masks are not required to be worn inside your own your residence or apartment.

    COVID-19 spreads more easily indoors and in settings where you can’t physically distance. That’s why it’s really important that masks are worn by every person who enters the building, including:

    • residents and visitors
    • contractors
    • staff
    • delivery drivers/riders.

    Share and print the updated posters to make it easier to communicate the mask wearing rules with your residents, community and networks.

    We will continue to keep you informed of your requirements to comply with COVID safety measures, including a factsheet that will be made available on nsw.gov.au.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.