
    Thank you so much for your response.

    Yes I guess I do want the SC to help fix this, though I should probably try and address it with the neighbours again. They have literally not stopped thumping around for the last hour while we try and work from home (as if the 7 hours of constant jackhammering/grinding noise from the repair work they’re doing on one of the other unit blocks wasn’t enough for today!)

    How do I get the SC to commit to helping with this issue, just a letter using your points above (which sound good, thank you!)? I still don’t have a response from the last meeting, and in the minutes it specifically said one of us residents will be paying. I just assumed we could push the noise and flooring bylaws and maybe end up in mediation. Thing is, there’s an issue with dogs barking and parking and are very happy to issue Notices to Comply, I’m honestly confused why this is any different.