
    I know I am biased as they are loyal sponsors, but Stratabox doesn’t just have a future, it IS the future.

    The proposals for review of strata laws tabled in the NSW parliament yesterday include extensive provisions for the digitising of  strata records and owners’ access to them.  As a result, platforms like Stratabox can only grow and become more embedded in the strata landscape.

    But don’t take the number or responses to this post as an indication of the size and reach of Stratabox.  When you drill down through the number of users who are also avid readers of this website, to the people who can be bothered to respond, the figures may be marginal.

    Contact Stratabox and ask them about your concerns.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.