
    … phrases like “you people” and “pretend to be a lawyer” are just a bit insulting, especially when people are trying to offer you advice free of charge.

    I do apologize – I let some of my pent-up frustration come out.  I did not intend for it to sound critical of anybody here, but of the situation.  All I meant was that in my previous experience, only a lawyer would ever have the need, or the ability, to look up an actual Act of law – let alone having the specialized knowledge to understand it properly.  My only exposure has been on the media where I hear how lawyers spend ages in court debating how an Act should be interpreted.  All completely outside of my experience (up to now, at least).

    I still find it bizarre that people who volunteer to help out are suddenly held accountable to standards that they are never advised of.  But I look forward to reading up on Jimmy’s resources and getting up to speed with all these issues.  And if there are initiatives to orient committee members to their roles, I will be fully behind those.