Flame Tree (Qld)

    Just an update on the nonsense. The committee did what they said they would do – dud some non-participating owners by spending general funds on their own, and others, in-lot pest control, and I did what I said I would do – involve the local cop shop who were all ears. They wouldn’t attend but did make a report should things go pear-shaped in future.

    Probably the most obvious factor, and the most concerning, was to recognize the Strata Manager is firmly behind the committee regardless, knowing it is they that will recommend their on-going appointment and pay cheque. It’s very poor form on the Strata’s part, full-well knowing they were endorsing or not correcting the committee’s unlawful practice, and I can now recognize that form on other prior issues here. On the chance it was a naïve manager I did write to the Strata owner but he has also refused to address these serious issues by any response.

    It’s all a bit rotten and I’m wondering where I should go with this. It’s sketchy as, and has undermined faith in working with the Strata manager or the company in future, and makes you wonder what else has been going on?