Flame Tree (Qld)

    “If that’s the case, why aren’t the BCC adjudicating in your favour? I’d have thought you’d have gone to them with this rather that the local constabulary (who, quite rightly IMHO) have decided to stay well out of it.”

    Well, it’s kinda not that hard… they likely will (as they don’t usually contradict themself on straight forward matters, and as inferred/discussed with the Commissioner’s office), and being a recent event I haven’t gone that way yet, and along similar lines as your final para: I’m considering the longer play for all of us here, not just my side of things.

    As for the cops, there was a real chance of a major blow up and they have an interest in keeping the peace so told me previously they don’t mind involvement if possibly needed even though it is still a civil matter. They were genuinely interesting in the storyline. A recorded incident number also let’s folk know they were actually interested enough should they need attend again.