
    Permit me to clarify one issue.

    In my original post I wrote:

    I await a copy of the building plans but suspect either

    (a) It is cheaper to install pipes through the CP of neighbouring units than it is to complete the job through the renovator’s unit alone; or

    (b) If indeed there are pipes crossing my unit that serviced his now defunct a/c system, then he may want new pipes to service his new a/c unit.

    I have not seen the plans but the strata agent now advises that:

    (1)  There are no a/c pipes in the CP above my ceiling;

    (2) What happened was that the neighbour disconnected his a/c unit soon after he bought the premises, wanting to replace the a/c. Only when the disconnection took place did the neighbour realise that the a/c was not stand alone but was connected to a cooling tower system;

    (3) The neighbour indicated that if  the works proceeded via only his own lot then he would be up for legal costs (and time) principally seeking an approval from the adjoining strata as some of the infrastructure will encroach on the neighbouring building;

    (4) The agent confirms that this is not a situation where say electrical wires currently run via my lot to service the neighbour and the latter wants to upgrade and in turn remove current wiring (in the CP above my lot)  in favour of new wiring. This is a new service the neighbour wants to install; and

    (5) The agent says that he was told by the contractor that the disconnected a/c unit cannot be made operational.

    I hope the above elaboration helps readers come to an opinion. Thanks.