
    Thanks for the follow up. We should all be on the same page trying to ensure all Lot Owners have access to EV charging facilities as in the years to come they will all need it.

    We had a situation very similar to the Dr’s in our building where a Lot Owner placed an order for a Tesla with the intention of using the door opener power circuit to charge without seeking any approval. He did then indicate he would be happy to re-imburse an estimate of the power usage but got very little support from the vast majority of Lot Owners to do this.

    I did raise at an OCN webinar whether we could use the A/C compressor power existing in the basement garages for EV Charging and Ross De Rango who was then at NHP picked up on this and developed an EV readiness box that can be used to monitor the load on the relevant circuit and use the power for either the Air Conditioner or EV charging but not both. This box can also be configured for use where the Lot Owners Meter is in the basement garage which may be a more common application. Not sure whether the installation of cable trays though the entire basement might be considered a minor modification to enable these options but some buildings might require the addition of cable trays to comply with AS3000. We now have bylaws in place in our building that enable all Lot Owners to source their own metered power for EV changing providing they have an appropriate interlock/load management module. (approx $1000)

    So the message really is rather than provide a band aid solution that will benefit perhaps a couple of privileged users look at a whole of building solution. It may mean you have to make an annual provision in a capital works program to get there down the track.

    We have had another building in our Community that has made the case that providing EV charging facilities in their building will enhance the value of individual apartments and they have implemented a whole of building solution for an approx cost of $1200 per lot across 30 Apartments where there is currently only one EV user.

    As indicated in other Strata even where an EV charger installation using Lot Owners power has been proposed with all costs  totally paid for by the Lot Owner it has not been able to achieve 50% support at a meeting so education of the uniformed is perhaps the first priority rather than an easy fix.

    Perhaps the new NSW Strata Hub needs to have an indication of whether the Strata is “EV Ready” or not. If this could come in from the 1st of July it might provide an incentive for Strata to be proactive.