
    Hi, I work in a parks and gardens unit of a council. I’d definitely speak to the department of your councilĀ  who manage the nature strip, and get permission before spending money or putting in your garden. It is public land and public assets, that belongs to the general public, not private property, and it will have a specified land use on your LEP and a specific allocated maintenance regime. It could turn into an ongoing saga. Council could remove your garden.

    Some councils have programs for people to claim and beautify road verges or strip out front or may be friendly to it if it’s compatible with the intended land use or one of their policies or programs, such as increasing trees, or sustainable living >>> definitely explore these approaches.

    As an example, an area I maintain is a patch of a critically endangered ecosystem located in the middle of a unit block. It was an offset as part of development conditions (ie units were only allowed to be built on the condition that that part remained as bushland conservation). A resident has complained about this “nature strip”. If someone was to put a garden in there they would be harming a federally listed critically endangered ecological community. It is a criminal offence and big fines and gaol terms can apply. So absolutely, check, talk to and get permission, make sure what you want to do is compatible with the allocated land use. Council also have obligations to maintain safety of the spaces they manage. So check, and make sure anything you do, you have council on side first.