
    There are many creative ways thst are within the law to handle this situation.
    Levies do not have to be in equal instalments and the instalments do not even have to be agreed at the AGM. The act just states that only the amount of levies needs to be agreed.

    But for some strata managers this lumpy collection of levies is an extra item to monitor ( their software usually likes to make 4 equal payments).


    Secondly, it’s not a bad idea to be compliant with the act. All a strata needs is a disgruntled owner to request a compulsory strata manager and use all the non compliance, no matter how minor, to build their case.
    The appointment of a compulsory manager is based on the facts presented, not why something was done ( for convenience).

    I do agree with JT that it’s not likely to happen, but then courts are full of cases where people were doing the expedient thing and got caught out.