

    I think eventually the strata roll, or enough details for owners to contact other owners, will be available on strata hub.

    It is interesting, in these SCA webinars (below)  about the [then] upcoming strata hub, how uncomfortable SCA reps are about the prospect of this info being freely available between owners. They cite wanting to protect their committee.

    As the Fair Trading guy said, being available for communication with owners is an integral part of being on a committee. I believe that strata managers are more concerned with maintaining control through making it difficult for owners to communicate with each other. Divide and conquer.

    I did get the strata roll and it was key to being able to contact owners and get together and vote to not renew with our strata manager. Strata manager tried to charge hundreds of dollars for it but provided the requested records within 14 days after I told them they couldn’t charge more than the prescribed fee. Plus I was and am a committee member.

    Records have to be provided to the committee within 14 days, not 3 days. And as Jimmy said any owner can inspect the records for a nominal fee.

    And they have to be provided regularly as part of the services they are paid for. (Strata schemes management Act part 4 division 3, and part 10 detail this).

    Here is a video of a NSW Strata Community Association (the strata managers’ professional body) webinar on the Strata Hub.




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