Flame Tree (Qld)

    I think you can have some sway even though the AGM venue is a licensed premises. I’d put your concerns to the committee well before the next meeting setting out your reasons and suggesting a better approach and then putting this in a committee motion, if it’s dismissed by them I would consider then putting it in again but this time as a AGM motion for inclusion at the next AGM to be considered by all owners, not just committee folk. Obviously, you can’t stop folks drinking at the venue but you certainly would be in your rights to ask that due to the serious nature of the meeting and the things to be considered and discussed that folk do not drink alcohol until after the formal business of the AGM has concluded, and then they can go ahead get smashed and break stuff to their hearts content. If it annoys you enough to raise it here, it’s obviously something you feel you’d like addressed, and this is what I’d certainly do.