› Flat Chat Strata Forum › Strata Committees › Did chair and manager collude on inflated window costs?? › Current Page
@TonyTran. I hear you, but I don’t really understand what you are asking of the forum. Have you applied to join the committee/s? It is hard work to be on the committee and to do the job well, but someone has to do it. Of course, the selection of service providers for minor things and maintenance is done by someone – if not the manager putting some names forward of providers they have relationships with, the committee members may do so if it is small enough that it is not a tender. Then it is an agreement of the committee as to how they want to proceed. If you think you can do better, then put your hand up at the next AGM and give it a go. And if the Chair or the committee are really acting against the spirit of the OC Act, then there should be ways for you to seek remedies of that if you have proof of overcharging or bad faith.