Sir Humphrey

    Do you have anything from 1971 that was specific to your site? If so, they might be no longer relevant or they might be worth keeping. They could be as minor as ‘bins must be housed in the enclosure to the right of the main entrance’ but worth keeping if they cover particular issues relevant only to you.

    There might be some exclusive use bylaws that you should keep. Eg. Unit 3 has permission to have … extend 1m onto common property along the eastern side of the unit subject to maintaining … in a state of good repair.

    Are there other things that have been perennial issues that have relied on the old ‘We have always done it like that’ as the justification. If there are actually very good reasons to have ‘always done it like that’, putting it in a custom bylaw might avoid having to re-explain it every few years. A lawyer might either draft appropriate bylaws to cover such matters or they might point out where that issue is covered in the Act making a bylaw unnecessary.

    So, prepare a good brief for the lawyer explaining what you would like to get out of an update.