
    The applicant is to file and serve upon the respondents points of claim setting out the orders sought, the facts relied upon as justifying the orders sought and the legal basis upon which it is alleged that the facts identified justify the making of the orders sought by….

    I can’t see what the confusion is here.  The Tribunals wants you to send the “respondents”:

    1. A list of the orders you seek
    2. A list of the facts that form the basis for the claim (i.e. the breaches of by-laws and/or strata laws that you allege have occurred).
    3. A list of the laws that apply and which you claim have been breached.

    Maybe I’m missing something here, but it seems pretty straightforward to me. Evidence has not been requested at this stage but you could allude to it in your response to part 2. E.g. Repondents have breached Section …. of the SSMA (photographs or correspondence etc on file).

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.