
    The law currently says you must have an AGM in each financial year (not on the anniversary of the previous one).  So, theoretically, you could have AGMs 23 months apart – July of year x and June of year x+2.

    In your case, if your last AGM was October 2021, your owners corp is not obliged to hold one before June this year.

    With that in mind, you may want to hold fire but you could have any motions presented now, if you wished, as they must be put on the agenda for the next general meeting, whenever that might be.

    That said, why scare the horses and show your hand at the same time.  Just be ready to move as soon as a date is announced.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.