
    Hicies 1973

    Its easy and hard to arrange your own electricity supplier in an embedded network

    You do not need  a new meter. The embedded meter is used – its just that the embedded network manager send the billing units to your preferred supplier.

    Thats the theory

    In some cases, the embedded network manager may charge high, but not exorbitant meter reading costs that make any savings disappear

    And remember that an embedded network supplier suppliers electricity at a regulated price. They can only charge for usage and supply at a rate regulated by the government.

    So unless you are able to obtain electricity at a wholesale rate (most residential consumers cant) , its not worth it.


    As for time of use charging. Embedded network meters are of the smart kind. The manager can choose to bill for time of use, if thats what the network agreement says

    As I said earlier, embedded networks can have benefits for the individual owners and the Owners Corporation if the deal is a fair one.