
    I think you might benefit from asking your neighbour what it would take for him to not park where he does.  If he shows no interest, then you could raise the question of by-law breaches such as diging up the flower bed without written permission (??) and using his lot in a way that affects the peaceful enjoyment of yours – plus breaching the terms of the agreement that allowed him to build the car port and garage.

    Once he has calmed down after that, ask him again or suggest mediation.  And if none of that works, hit him with by-law breaches and a complaint to the council.  It won’t do much for neighbourly relations, but you should get a result.

    BTW, it should only take a simple majority vote of the owners (which you hold) to issue a by-law breach notice.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.