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If the leak was an insurable event eg burst pipe, then a claim by the lot with the damaged floor can be made. If the damage was caused by failure of common property the OC pays the access.
If the damage was caused by failure of lack of maintenance to the common property eg gutters were full then the insurance may not respond. The OC is responsible for the reinstatement.
However in either case the OC may turn it’s mind to the benefit principle and recover some or all from the lot. For example if the floor is 15 years old and new floor is to be laid, then a proportional contribution may apply.
If it is a failure of private property then you have a damages claim against the lot owner above unless it is an insurance claim. In which case the excess is paid by either the lot owner or by you depending on the benefit received but often is negotiated.
If the excess is very high for unresolved common property water claims, then the OC may also contribute to the excess payment. For example excess for water damage is $10,000 when normally it is $1,000, if the work required is greater than $10,000 the OC needs to contribute to the excess as well.
Hope that helps