
    Well, there’s a whole forum of issues on the FC forum over annoying neighbours. Why not do a few of these irritating antics and then he will start to get annoyed with you, instead of vice versa. You could try playing loud music at 3am continuously until someone bangs on your door to stop, have a shower at 4am while making sure the pipes have water hammer that wakes up everyone else in the building, adopt a barking dog that won’t shut up, water the plants on your balcony so that the water drips onto the balcony below, hang your washing to dry over the balcony so that everyone has to look at your undies flapping in the wind, strap your kayak to the outside bars of your balcony as storage for it, run a business from inside your garage and park your car on common property instead, run your dishwasher at midnight waking everyone else up, rip down a couple of supporting walls without body corporate approval. OMG! The list of annoying things you could do is endless. Hopefully, he might start copying you!