
    My observation is that ‘the committee’ will ask the tradie to do a little side job for them to get the gig. Nothing is in writing of course, they may be fixing a plumbing issue or painting a common property area for example and the collective committee may ask the tradie to pop in & have a look at their issue.

    No proof of course as a tradie could be going into a committee members apartment to confirm a query, but there are 5 committee members in our owners corporation who have run the complex for 12 of the 13 years since the complex was built & THEIR apartments are perfect as are the regular proxies that vote them in year after year.

    Most Stratas find it difficult to get anyone involved & be on the Committee but not our complex. We have tried to break the pattern by putting our hands up as alternative Committee members but it never changes. White collar crime indeed!

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