
    If you look at the detail of the law, it says that either the committee can instigate a request for penalties, provided that decision is taken by majority vote at a properly constitute committee meeting, or the strata manager can do so provided they think a bylaw has been breached.

    It may be that your strata manager wanted you to pass a motion at a committee meeting before they were prepared to act on the complaint, having not witness the breaches themselves (although that might be considered nit-picking).

    Have a look at this information from Kerin Benson lawyers, which lays out the detail of how to issue a Notice To Comply.

    And have a look at this information from our sponsors Bannerman Lawyers which explains the timeline for the two options – going directly to NCAT or attempting mediation.


    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.