


    What you wrote is spot on. I know about that section of the SSM Act.

    A request is of course to the OC but when there is no SC and the strata mgr runs the show in place of a SC, it is to her that I made the request.

    I spoke to Fair Trading and they insisted I make a formal complaint because they have received several from owners at other stratas with similar demands by strata managers for payment per document accessed.


    The Hood,

    Thanks for the detailed response, which I shall stew over this w/end.

    I agree with you that a complaint about the agent’s conduct is a complaint about the OC. The fly in the ointment is that there is no Chair, Treasurer etc. All functions were delegated by the OC to the strata mgr at an EGM months ago when the SC dissolved. I voted against the delegation because  I sought a new SC be established, but the committee member who convened the meeting after selling his lot, did not want a new SC.