
    The motion at our AGM to renew the Strata Managers contract was voted 43 against and 42 for. There were a number of proxies on both sides and each proxy form had the following options;

    {Tick and complete whichever applies below}

    1. This for authorizes the proxy to vote on my/our behalf on all matters


    2. This form authorizes the proxy to vote on my/our behalf on the following matters only

    3. If a vote is taken on whether (the strata managing agent) should be appointed to remain in office or whether another managing agent is to be appointed, I/we want the proxy to vote as follows

    My understanding is that if the person issuing the proxy ticks the #1 “all matters” box that the person holding the proxy can vote on all matters.

    Several motions later the Strata Manager (who was chairing the meeting) suddenly about faced and said the proxy votes against were invalid as the proxy forms did not have option #3 ticked with instructions.

    As such he call that the motion was held, and he refused to supply copies of the other proxies he was claiming as valid for this motion.

    Is this correct or are we being held to ransom by a strata manager that isn’t playing by the rules?