› Flat Chat Strata Forum › The Professionals › AGM Motion re-appointing Strata Manager › Current Page
<!–more–>This is the proxy form supplied to owners with the notice of AGM. It is misleading but according to dept of fair trade person I lodged a complaint with it’s not different enough.
The committee has asked for copies of all proxies 6 days ago and the strata manager has yet to provide them to us. Maybe the commissioners email could be useful.
To add salt to the wound we have found out there are 2 fire orders (1 resolved) with the other needing almost $1m in works, for a 6 year old building!
And to further our woes we found out both boilers are plumbed in reverse, one is shut down as it broke and needs parts the outgoing committee didn’t approve and the working one broke down yesterday so owners have no hot water.
Join the committee they said…..