› Flat Chat Strata Forum › Proxies – blind faith or good sense? › Can a non-owner attend an AGM and be elected on to the committee? › Current Page
this is for NSW. If you’re not an owner or hold a proxy, can you attend an AGM?
We did this one on a podcast by a well known strata lawyer who the Keymaster has been a guest for occasionally.
The lawyer felt the AGM notice was the invitation to attend and that those without an invitation or proxy from an invited person was not allowed. It is an interesting analogy but it has its limitations.
Best offering i had during those discussions was that there is a case from the SA Supreme Court that distills down to saying strata meetings are private which leads to a viable position that they are for owners and their proxies, the rest of the world is not entitled to attend and can be asked to leave if they do attend.
That gets interesting if a couple ‘own’ a unit but only one is on the strata roll and that person attends, their partner is not welcome? Sounds harsh but let’s not let fuzzy warm feelings overcook our model.
Additionally some weight could be given to owners being entitled to attend a SC meeting in silence. Seems attendance for that type of OC meeting is limited to a specific class of person. It would be strange if the whole world could just waltz into a general meeting but only owner could go to a SC meeting. Where is the consistency in policy in that?
Can a non owner or non proxy holder attend the AGM; that is a no form me and i back that no with SA Supreme Court authority.