Flame Tree (Qld)

    Just on issuing a by-law breach notice… you have two options on this (in most states): formally ask the committee to investigate the possible breach, as is their duty to, and if convinced of such have them issue the notice to the resident. This is ideal as it removes it from your hands, involves others, and will likely be sent in the name of the committee and not in your name. It becomes an on-going committee issue to seek resolution of. But sometimes they don’t see it as an issue and you still do, so in that case you can issue a breach notice directly from you to them. Some folk aren’t comfortable to do such if they feel the resident is a bit of a vexatious nut job or you don’t want to feel singled out. In either case a notice needs be sent detailing what the issue is, when it’s occurred, and what by-law you feel is being breached. It’s a required thing as if it continues on and goes further down the line you need show you have issued such as part of you trying to remedy the situation.