
    Hi TrulEConcerned, Thank you for offering your perspectives. I am completely new to buying a property so points you made were very helpful for me to know. I understand that I cannot dwell on everything that could potentially go wrong, but trying to equip myself with knowledge to manage risk.

    Hi Jimmy, Thank you so much for your input. I read through Faraway girl’s topic, what a mess! I did not expect the man himself to make comments on my humble post, and they were much appreciated. I read your newsletter religiously and I am grateful for this great website/forum you have built. It is truly like standing on the shoulders of giants.

    Thank you everyone who went out of their ways to comment on my post. We have decided to walk away from this property. Our journey of buying our first property continues, and I hope that we continue to learn along the way. I hope you all have a beautiful day. Thanks again 🙂