
Hi Jimmy

Thanks for article and I had made the same point to the journalist who wrote that article.

In addition to your previously made points about SCA proporting to be an owners representative, (ie conflict and embedded networks)  I think there are a few more questions one should ask:

What is their view on the one sided SCA Strata Management Contract?  OCN has some advice on our website as to how to deal with some of the more offensive clauses.

What is their view on insurance commissions?  There have been much written and said about a business model which relies on what are often excessive commissions.  OCN and many others have advocated for ceasing commissions and getting back to true strata management business.  We are aware that there are strata management companies who agree with this approach.

Just how many submissions have they made advocating for the rights of strata owners?   We know they have done some advocating for the rights of their constituency, ie strata managers. But how many for owners?  Conversely we have done almost 100 such submissions in just the last 10 years.

On the question of other states, our business name is Owners Corporation Network of Australia ltd. Although we have been mostly focussed on NSW, we currently have a sub-committee working on a nation model.  We have OCNACT, Queensland representation on that sub-committee as well as the Victorian representative on our board and sub-committee, that Julie mentioned.  More on the outcomes at a later date