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Thanks to TrulE and Jimmy for responses.
I have had a devil of a job just getting the Secretary to understand that the underlying issue he needs to deal with is that the tabling of the strata roll needs to happen at each meeting, and if he doesn’t get it from the Strata Manager it is his problem… or is it, as the SM operates with a delegated authority.
As it happens, after me pushing the Secretary to make sure he got a copy of the current strata roll from the SM prior to our next meeting (tomorrow), he did receive it. However, it remains to be seen whether that includes information on residential lets and any other relevant info.
I have also had to really wind him up about declarations of conflict at the beginning of the meeting.
I understand the issue noted about contingencies in the event of the Secretary being unfinancial at a meeting. Surely there must be a solution for this other than having a blanket delegated authority? That seems like a recipe for getting people to negotiate with themselves.