Sir Humphrey

    In the ACT at least, the default rule includes annoyance. Annoyance can include things without proven harm. The annoyance has to be ‘substantial annoyance’, not some trivial annoyance. I would argue that a smoky BBQ used often could amount to a ‘substantial annoyance’ but a BBQ used only infrequently could be a minor annoyance that should be tolerated.

    Use of unit—nuisance or annoyance

    1.   A unit owner must not use the unit, or permit it to be used, in a way that causes a nuisance or substantial annoyance to an owner, occupier or user of another unit.
    2.  This rule does not apply to a use of a unit if the executive committee has given an owner, occupier or user of the unit written permission for that use.
    3.  Permission may be given subject to stated conditions.
    4.  Permission may be withdrawn by special resolution of the owners corporation.