The Hood

    This is a really good issue.
    From all that I have read on this matter confidentiality (privilege) comes into play if you are the party the OC has sought legal advice against.
    If it is you v  the OC (or vice versa) then privilege prevents you from accessing the record i.e. the advice the OC got for the matter.
    If you are not that person then you should be able to see that advice.

    A strange situation because if you are denied by privilege then how hard is it to get a strata mate to access it.

    As I like to say; who cares what we think, it is what the Courts think.
    So here is a case where me old mates down at the NSWCA (Highest Court in NSW) say privilege exists.

    “  … the disputed documents are concerned with actual or prospective claims against ******** over which the Owners Corporation is entitled to assert legal professional privilege as against ********.”

    The Owners – Strata Plan No. 74602 v Eastmark Holdings Pty Limited [2013] NSWCA 221