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What is even worse, is when a Motion is put forward and accepted by the SM and included in the Agenda, but then the Motion is ruled “out of order” before the meeting starts. Guess by who? That’s right, the Solicitor brought along by the SM at the Committee’s request and the Chairman, who is also from the SM, agrees. Obviously because it is his firm’s solicitor.
So much for AGM’s to be a meeting whereat members can discuss their issues and get them resolved. AGM’s are for Committee’s to put THEIR agenda forward and get it passed.
The member who had the Motion ruled out of order was left with the option of spending perhaps $10k to get legal advice and take the matter to NCAT, of course by the time it would have been useless, the horse had well and truly bolted. And of course the Committee would have had their legal expenses paid out of the Admin Fund.