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I would go straight to s237 except I don’t have enough evidence. Yet.
For the uninitiated, a section 237 is the “nuclear option” whereby a compulsory strata manager is appointed and the committee rendered obsolete for at least a year, usually two. It is not recommended (by this writer) for anything less than a totally and profoundly corrupt or incompetent committee that is clearly working against the best interests of the owners rather than for them.
In this case a better and more likely successful option may be to pursue orders via a Section 232(2) “Failure to exercise a function”.
For instance, you might send a simple, non-accusatory, written request to the committee that it immediately initiates or formulates plans to:
- Adequately insure the building as required under sections 160 and 161 of the Strata Schemes Management Act.
- Identify capital works required to fulfil its obligations under Section 106 of the Act.
- Take action to estimate and raise funds required to undertake essential maintenance and repairs, as well as capital works, either by a strata loan or a special levy.
Then you could add that failure to effect any or all of the above will lead to orders being sought at NCAT under section 232 of the Act to compel the committee to do so.
If they refuse or do nothing, and they are clearly shirking their responsibilities, that’s all the evidence you need to proceed to mediation and the pursuit of Section 232 orders. Meanwhile, find others in your block who share your view so that you aren’t carrying this alone.
S232(2) Failure to exercise a function
For the purposes of this section, an owners corporation, strata committee or building management committee is taken not to have exercised a function if—
(a) it decides not to exercise the function, or
(b) application is made to it to exercise the function and it fails for 2 months after the making of the application to exercise the function in accordance with the application or to inform the applicant that it has decided not to exercise the function in accordance with the application.