
    Owners can submit a motion for the agenda of a general meeting, so you should do so (and find out when the Annual General Meeting is due). You request to add that motion must be made before the Agenda is prepared and sent out (which is commonly 3 weeks before the AGM date).
    The agenda motion you should word to require yes/no responses:- as a guide, something along the lines,
    “That the owners corporation resolves to:
    (a) have the strata manager engage the builder [NAME] carry out an inspection of the roof of all villas, and provide a report of their current condition, within 1 month of this meeting, and provide the report to all owners,
    (b) if the report determines that any roof needs repairs, then have the strata manager arrange at least 2 quotes from qualified roof repairers, specifying the work required for any repairs, and the a quote of costs, according to each villa, and in total, within 3 months of the report being received,
    (c) call a general meeting within 1 month of the 2nd of these quotes being received, with agenda motions to (i) authorise repairs, (ii) select and authorise a repairer to carry them out, and (iii) determine if our current levy receipts will fund these repairs, or authorise a special levy to be used to fund the repairs, and if so, to (iv) authorise the owners corporation to raise that special levy for an appropriate amount.”

    It sounds like the strata manager is procrastinating, for whatever reason. You should therefore propose a motion with time limits specified, so he has to proceed relatively quickly. You need yes/no votes on all parts, so you need to get the other owners on side ahead of time. Note that raising a special levy is an ordinary resolution, so requires a 51% vote in favour to pass (and the vote is counted by unit entitlement, not by lots, although a lot vote might have the same result), of owners present. At the meeting, the owners can amend motions, so you can adjust the fine points, but the amendments can’t be too substantial, so make sure all the important issues are covered…

    And if the motion is voted down by the other owners, then you may need to go to the Tribunal for an order. So get your fellow owners on side, and do some politicking, ahead of time, to get this done quickly and easily.