
    That doesn’t seem right that the Strata Manager could or would make submit a motion out of a general update issue

    To be fair, we haven’t seen the motion and it could be the OC being instructed to examine the issue and report back.

    As to if your block has enough funds, or not. That doesn’t fly.

    Not sure what you mean by “doesn’t fly”. Obviously lack of funds is an impediment. But you’re right, at some point someone is going to have to come up with an assessment of how much work is required and how much it would cost.

    If it was my scheme, I would be asking how long the tiles are going to last, which roof is in the worst shape and work out a progressive replace and repair program based on the answers to those questions.

    I would also float the idea of exploring the use of a cheaper but visually acceptable and equally resilient alternative, which would probably require a change in the by-laws..


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