
    Jimmy-T write

    Hmmm.  Go in with that attitude and you are likely to lose. Even those who don’t want to get involved will join the defensive cluster.

    I know… you’re right. I was particularly disheartened when I wrote that.
    the problem I have is that the strata manager is applying the letter of the law – but does not appear to be taking account of the history of the property. The committee is simply not communicating with me. No one responds to direct emails and my direct next door bright out on the committee simply pleads ignorance!!
    At least my motions are going to the AGM but the strata manager claims I do not represent a majority. I don’t know how she knows this – I tried to poll the owners with an anonymous survey but only 2 owners (which includes myself) responded. Most of the renters responded positively. I suspect the SM will say that is immaterial as they do not have a vote.
    I have lodged a formal complaint about her behaviour (this is the second complaint. I did not receive a response to the first one). I looked at the legislation and code of conduct but can’t find anything about impartiality.

    if we can’t get this passed at the AGM the point is moot. If my motions fail the only recourse I’ll have is to take them to the tribunal for not applying the by-laws consistently… and in that case I’ll lose my garden too.
    I don’t want to fight with my neighbours. But injustices like this really drive me nuts!!!