
    Another suggestion: get a copy of the strata roll from your strata manager (and yes, the law requires them to give it to you) and write to other owners pointing out this is unlawful.

    Expect to be told that since the strata manager is also the secretary (under certain circumstances) then the strata roll has already been provided.  Also expect to be told that because of privacy concerns, you will not be given the email addresses of owners, even though they are an essential part of the roll.

    Both of these arguments are total BS.

    I had a huge fight with Netstrata over this at our investment property and, by the way. the strata commissioner declined to say who was right and wrong in this fight.

    If the committee members are already playing fast and loose with the law, I would expect them to go to the barricades on this too.  Apply for mediation at Fair Trading, seek an interim order and then see what falls out when you shake them up.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.