› Flat Chat Strata Forum › NCAT – the NSW Tribunal › Can an owner take the Strata Manager to NCAT for failure to perform duties? › Current Page
FACT: No NSW strata manager has ever lost their licence just for being really, really bad at their job.
There is a strata manager I know of that recently received a show cause notice as to why his licence should not be revoked by FT. Now it’s taken FT since late last year to investigate, they have issued the show cause and now it might take 12 months or more for the licence to be pulled.
We really need a system, like with other licensed trades, where you can look at what black marks are on a persons licence. Likewise strata managers should be compelled to advise prospective clients of any instances of them being involved at NCAT. The current means of naming NCAT cases gives no insight as to which strata manager is involved.