
    This is the big, gaping hole in the state government’s efforts to convince home-seekers that apartment living is a good choice; slack strata managers who find ways around the regulations to make it easier to milk funds from apartment owners are allowed to get away with it.

    Does the government think prospective apartment buyers don’t talk to people who already own them?

    I feel sorry for the people who have been saddled with these shonks as well as the strata managers who are trying to do the right thing.

    The Strata Commissioner is a decent bloke but his office is grossly underfunded and he is way too easily influenced by the NSW branch of Strata Community Australia (SCA-NSW) who have been way too busy developing their “vertical integration” – a posh term for creating cartels – to look after their clients … you and me.

    David Chandler has found a way of exposing the shonks and charlatans in the building industry. It’s time Strata Commissioner John Minns was given the backing to do the same with strata managers.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.