
    Thank you for the replies. I should add that myself (Treasurer) and the guy who owns the two units (Secretary) are along with our Strata Manager (a prominent strata managing agent starting with the letter J who is also the Chairperson) make up the entire Strata Committee.  No one else in the building wants anything to do with running it.  We three are the ones who have tried to get the rest of the owners to approve these repairs at the last 3 AGMs to no avail. So we are trying to get the job done and aren’t being negligent.

    1. Can someone please confirm that we do only need an Ordinary Resolution to do this work, (ie 50% +1 or 5 units in our case?) as I have also heard (and read on the internet) that because Common Property is involved a Special Resolution (ie 75% or 6 units in our case) is required instead.

    2. If these repairs were not structural – what could be considered ‘cosmetic’ repairs such as rendering, painting, replacing the windows and garage doors etc, would this require an Ordinary resolution or a Special Resolution?