› Flat Chat Strata Forum › Strata Committees › Part owners want to change places in mid committeemeeting › Current Page
Firstly, for larger schemes, so that the strata manager can mange the paperwork, there is a cut off (often 24 hours) for submitting proxies before a meeting
Ask the strata manager to set an appropriate time , even if its say a few hours.
Secondly, the rule I understand is that its either the owner or the proxy that speaks at the meeting. Thats to stop the proxy and owner handing over control at short notice. Consider this, a heated discussion is going on. You ony want one person representing the lot speaking , not multiple people.
The owner always overrides the proxy notice. So the owner can fill in a proxy form and give it to the secretary. If the owner turns up, then the proxy form is either dead (the owner represents the lot) or the proxy stands, but the owner is considered to be an observer only .