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Can anyone answer the question regarding the responsibility of the Strata Committee to insure (sic) that every resident is safe from accidents that are common property.
There is no question of responsibility, except that it mostly lies with the owners corporation, not the strata committee per se. The committee does what the OC tells it to do, and if there is a successful motion to the OC to investigate and recommend remediation on any of those items, then they should follow it up.
However, if the strata committee receives a complaint and declines to act on it, a case could be taken to NCAT under section 232 of the Act (with no guarantee of success).
A better process would be to raise the issue with the strata committee, if you get nowhere then seek mediation at Fair Trading and if that doesn’t work consider your next step either internally or via the Tribunal.
The slamming door issue is an easy fix. Fire inspectors tend to set doors at maximum slam for safety reasons, but a fiddle with a hex key can quickly make them both fire safe and resident friendly.