    If it was left to “strata”, we would issue the breach of by-law notice, apply for mediation and go to NCAT.  There would have been months of relentless dog yapping.
    Pursuit of a Notice To Comply does not require meditation.  You issue the NTC, then go straight to NCAT for penalties if the breach continues. Some strata managers will issue a pre-NTC warning, partly so there is no question that the resident has been alerted to the breach. But an NTC is a warning so it’s not essential and you don’t need to go for mediation.

    In the end, the property owner evicted the tenant for keeping a pet without seeking permission.

    That’s a result and it’s often the best most effective way to go – chase the landlord for not managing their tenant properly.  It may seem unfair but the owner has a long-term commitment to the building which a tenant may not have.  It also lets the landlord know that their tenant may not be looking after the property properly. The answer to problems with any owners or residents who don’t care is to find a way of making them care.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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