
    It’s funny you should mention the PICA group technology, Jimmy. They have recently put out an upgrade to their portal. It was never great; details of transactions were not classified by fund but at least they had a direct link to the invoice or associated document that would open up in the browser. Now the transactions are only available as a downloadable pdf and the link is broken. There is a list of invoices but they are just random file names with no indication of their contents and again if you want to see the contents they have to be downloaded. I have managed to download the invoices and associate most of the transactions with their invoice, but oddly enough, there are multiple invoices from our strata managers that are missing. Similarly, agenda and minutes of meetings have also gone missing. Forgive me for being cynical, but are they trying to hide something?

    And thanks to you both, Jimmy and Tina, for your response; you have given me some heart and options  to pursue.