
    The Forum post mentions Safe Work (NSW) was successful against the employer of the deceased. Your post shows that Safe Work (NSW) was also successful against the OC. Well done Safe Work (NSW)! This should be a wake up call to the many clowns sitting uselessly on committees to realise the circus is closing down and that they have real world obligations.

    I hope the estate of the deceased sues the pants off each member of the SC personally.

    And this, from the Forum thread, reposted here to avoid confusion – JT:

    There is mention of proceedings under foot against the OC and MA.

    It is unclear if this by the estate of the deceased or by Safe Work (NSW)?

    Mention is made that:

    On 5 June 2020 a number of occupants, not including Maluko, attempted to undertake makeshift repairs to
    the gate. These repairs did not remediate the damage to the gate nor eliminate or otherwise address the
    risk of the gate falling or collapsing.

    Were these repairs authorised by the SC or OC?

    Who knows? The makeshift repairs may have only increased the risk of a catastrophic event occurring.




    • This reply was modified 4 weeks, 1 day ago by .