
    It would require the consent of all owners to such a proposal.

    As you say, that would be unlikely if not impossible to achieve – why would the person who benefits from this inequality wnat to change?  You can’t get turkeys to vote for Christmas.

    However, there is a legal procedure but it would require presenting a compelling argument which would include surveying all the apartments – to which Mr Turkey would also object – and then hiring property lawyers to argue your case.

    Then you would have to calculate to potential benefit versus the cost saving and most people would say it wasn’t worth the money or the hassle.

    The only occasions on which I have heard of this being a cost-efficient exercise was where the developer had set the UEs for commercial premises on the ground floor at ludicrously low levels to attract purchasers.  The inequity was so obvious that it was hard for the shop owners to argue against the case.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.