Sir Humphrey

    On one hand, the unit roll or register is part of the Owners Corporation records, so any owner should be allowed to inspect it.

    On the other hand, strata managers know that even some committee members could abuse access to the roll and that many owners would be offended that their personal details had been handed out and if things got messy, the strata manager would cop the criticism. So, it is easier for them to say they can’t give it out and claim that this has some basis in privacy legislation. The grain of truth in that is that the managing agent is more likely to store such records securely in line with privacy requirements whereas random owners, even if currently committee members, can’t always be relied upon (from their point of view).

    As a committee member, I have generally avoided having an unproductive argument about it with our strata managers. Instead, it is rare that we really need to see the roll. If we want to distribute some document or make some announcement, we don’t need the roll – we can just ask the managing agent to distribute whatever we have to all owners or just the relevant owners.

    Often we can ask the managing agent to send a message asking a unit owner to contact the committee about some matter. Once the owner replies, we have their email address or phone number or whatever independently of the managing agent and can continue the communication.

    In short, it is rarely an argument you need to have.